I've been looking forward to this shoot ever since I left the last one. My previous experience was so deliciously hot that the wait to come back was tormenting. With my neck and wrists in a fiddle and my ankles shackled and chained to back of my neck, pulling my neck head in an awkward angle it begins. I am lying on my stomach, hip bones and elbows digging into the harsh wood and I can't seem to get comfortable. I try rolling on my side, which makes my elbows feel momentarily better, but I am still straining to find that unattainable tolerable position. cyd begins the interview with me like this and I feel my excitement begin to rise as we discuss the possibilities of the day. I will get to do a scene in my favorite set, a dingy old public bathroom. I am overjoyed at the suggestion of an enema. That kind of humiliation gets me wet just thinking about it. It is dark and cramped. I must be in some sort of box. My head is smashed against a wall in front of me and my feet scrape the wal
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