Mila is a very demanding woman, and she made me spend a lot on her during my trip to Mexico, but it seems like she always wanted me to spend more on her, every single day! She wanted to go a very nice and expensive restaurant that night, and I really was not so sure I could afford it to be honest. Mila thought maybe she could do anything to get me to spend a little more on a nice dinner with her. She was on the balcony so I was doing some tests with my camera, filming her pretty legs and her cute ass, and I was just thinking about rubbing my nose in her sweaty nylon feet at the time after she walked all day in her boots. This lady knows how to make her feet very sweaty and very stinky, and she also knows how to drive me crazy with her feet! I’ll probably have to spend another thousand dollars to please her that night if I want to keep this privilege of rubbing my nose in her sweaty feet during my trip. Let’s see how it goes.
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